SoledadI am a full-time professor in the Business Information Systems Division at Evergreen Valley College in San Jose. I teach computer applications, business, and communications courses. I have also worked in industry before I entered the teaching profession. I am originally from the island of Guam. I have family in California and in Guam. I stay connected to my roots by keeping in touch with family and friends from the island. I also get involved in Pacific Islander activities and organizations that benefit the community and promote cultural and educational activities. NPIEN is one of those organizations. My association with NPIEN started when I participated as a panelist at one of their conference sessions. I have been in touch with Dr. Victor Thompson since then. NPIEN has been very supportive in my endeavors to promote PI activities at the college and in the Bay area.

I recently started the NPIEN scholarship at Evergreen Valley College. Julieta Chan-Tung was the first recipient last year. I am also the faculty advisor for the first student Pacific Islander Club at EVC. The students are planning their first activity for November.

San Jose, California is home to my family and me now, but the island of Guam will always be in my heart.